"Lichtpunkt" student club

The student club "Lichtpunkt" (SCLP) is one of the association's oldest projects.

The aim is to support the children in their development. We support the welcome classes to make it easier for foreign children to start a new life.

The student club offers all children the opportunity to do their homework after school, get advice and help, play table tennis, table football, darts, billiards, Wii, PS3 and much more, listen to music or just "chill out"!

There are also many creative offers such as an intercultural dance group.

Jana, Gunda & Christian


  • Homework help
  • trips
  • Creative offers
  • Theater & dance
  • sports
  • Parties, discos
  • School club trips and much more

Unsere Öffnungszeiten

Montag bis Donnerstag 13:00-18:00 Uhr (auch in den Ferien)

Freitag 13:00-18:00 Uhr 


Schließzeit: 3 Wochen der Sommerferien, sowie in den Weihnachtsferien

Hier findet ihr uns

Schülerclub "Lichtpunkt"

Harnackstraße 25 

10365 Berlin

[Hermann-Gmeiner-Schule; 2. OG]


Telefon/Fax: 030  5539073

E-Mail: sclichtpunkt@aol.com


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