Projekt Mehrgenerationenhaus

Nac hbarschaftshaus ORANGERIE

The Kiezspinne has been part of the federal multi-generation house program since April 2016. The project promotes intergenerational work in the neighborhood house ORANGERIE. The project is jointly financed by the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth and the Lichtenberg District Office of Berlin.


The offers of the project are essentially based on the needs of families and senior citizens in the neighborhood. For them, the multigenerational house offers a variety of opportunities to get active or get involved.

I want to participate!

Freiwilliges Engagement im Mehrgenerationenhaus

For the implementation of cross-generational events, campaigns, excursions, projects, ... we are always looking for motivated helpers of all ages. Do you have an idea for a project? Do you want to be a godmother for a younger or older person? Do you want to work with children? Or do you have completely different ideas?


Then contact the project coordinator Anne Stöckmann. We look forward to you!


Anne Stöckmann

Projektkoordinatorin Mehr Generationen Haus

im Nachbarschaftshaus ORANGERIE

Schulze-Boysen-Straße 38 | 13055 Berlin


Telefon: 030 - 55489635

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